Harold Levy N3UY

Jeff Beals, WA4AW has recently become a silent key. He lived a life dedicated to community service and Amateur radio. Jeff was elected as Vice Director for the ARRL Southeastern Division in 2022, and was previously Vice Director in the SE Division from Aug 2009- Dec 2010.
 He was active with the ARRL Field Organization since the late 70s. In the Southern Florida Section he served as the Section Manager, Assistant Section Manager, Affiliated Club Coordinator, Section Membership Coordinator, Technical Coordinator and Technical Specialist.
 Jeff was first licensed in the early 60s as WN2OUK at age 12 in Long Beach, LI, NY , where he was active with the local 5 Towns Radio Club and Nassau County AREC/RACES. He even had a 2 meter radio on his Bicycle. He held an Amateur Extra Class license and FCC First Class Radiotelephone license (now called a GROL).
John Jaeger, KN4HDY (SK)
John was a member of the Lake Forest Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).  He was trained by PSLARA and earned his technician license in 2017.


Bob Schoonover K4BOB (SK)
PSLARA regrets to report the recent passing of longtime member Bob Schoonover.  Bob succumbed to injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident in early April.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the Schoonover family.


Harold Levy, N3UK    7/18/2023 (SK)

Harold Levy N3UYMany Treasure Coast hams will remember Harold Levy N3UY (SK). Harold had lived in Fort Pierce and was an active mem ber of the Fort Pierce Amateur Radio Club (FPARC) for many years. Harold served as club president for several years. He was also active in the Port St. Lucie Amateur Radio Associa tion (PSLARA) and Saint Lucie County ARES where he served as Technical Operations Officer. The clubs and ARES benefited greatly from his expertise. John, KK4SHF was a long time friend and remembers Harold as someone who knew more about antenna systems than anyone. According to John, Harold was always happy volunteer ing for FPARC club activities as well as assisting hams in need of antenna help. HOAs give many hams grief, but Harold convinced his to allow a backyard antenna by showing them that it was in the community’s benefit. According to John, Harold was at his best when convincing people to do the right thing. Harold was instrumental in helping St. Lucie County craft their antenna tower ordinance for hams, anoth er testament to his ability to work with people. Harold moved to Michigan in 2022. He joined the local ham radio club and was in the process of put ting up a tower when he passed away. Harold’s work life included US Army pilot, commer cial airline pilot, working for the FAA in Alaska, and small farm owner in Uruguay. John’s statement “The ham world will miss Harold and I will sorely miss our conversations…” sums up Harold’s life as a ham.