St. Lucie County Amateur Radio Emergencies Services (ARES)
Monthly NET at 7:30 p.m. First Wednesday each month
As usual, we will hold the net on the county’s 2-meter repeater, which operate on 147.240 MHz The tone is 107.2 Hz Offset .600+
Please check into the net and learn what is happening with our fellow members.
monthly meetings are conducted in two ways. In-person meetings are held
the third Wednesday of the monthly on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, October) at 7:00 p.m.
at the St. Lucie County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). For the other months, ARES meetings are held via ZOOM.
St. Lucie County EOC address:
15305 Midway Rd, Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Location map link :
St. Lucie County ARES needs more ham members for emergency communications duty. Please consider joining ARES in support of our emergency communications role.
73, Paul Horner, SLC Emergency Coordinator