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Welcome Port Saint Lucie Amateur Radio Association
* * *  Important Announcements Here * * *
PSLARA Events Calendar
(click above or scroll down)

PSLARA  Monthly Meeting, 7:00 pm October 23, 2024
 IRSC Pruitt Campus Veterans Center, 500 NW California Blvd

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Members - It's time to pay your 2024 dues.  If you have not already done so, please pay your dues soon.  Individual dues are $25.  Dues are $30 for multiple members in a single household.  The club has a number of bills that come due early in the year.  Please help us keep the club treasury strong by paying your dues promptly.
PSLARA cannot exist without the financial support of its members
Dues can be paid at association meetings, by U.S. mail to PSLARA, P. O. Box 7461, PortSt. Lucie, FL 34985 or via PayPal.  For PayPal information, please click Here.
Monthly Membership Meetings
We meet at 7:00 PM on the fourth Wednesday of every month except November and December at the Indian River State College Pruitt Campus, Veterans' Resource Center. The address is 500 NW California Blvd. (N 27.32820 W 80.39816).  Our November meeting is on the third Wednesday so as not to conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday.  There is no regular meeting in December.

All members and visitors are invited to attend.  Click here for a location map showing the location of the Veterans Resource Center. We encourage members and vistors to attend our meetings.  Members - bring along a friend.

Occasionally, a meeting may be Zoom broadcast to allow participation be persons unable to attend in person due to transportation, physical limitations, distance and time of day.  If we plan to Zoom broadcast a meeting connection details will be included in the email announcement of the meeting. 
Our next meeting will be on October 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Meeting location: Indian River State College, Pruitt Campus, Veterans' Resource Center.

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FALL 2024

Click here for fall 2024 issue

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Silent Keys
It is with deep regret that we report the passing of Jeff Beals WA4AW. Jeff was a long time active member and former Vice Director of the ARRL South Eastern Division.  Jeff was well regarded and respected throughout the ham radio community.  Please visit the following link to Jeff's tribute. https://pslara.org/docs/docs_public.aspx
Or download the document directly here. https://pslara.org/docs/430.D.docx

Operation Sacred Legacy is a Library of Congress Project in which IRSC became involved per request of Representative Brian Mast. 
The purpose of the project is to capture the stories by documenting the experiences of the local 60,000 veterans residing in St. Lucie, Martin, and northern palm beach counties, and others in the IRSC service district, including veteran residents of Indian River and Okeechobee counties.
A short video explains the project:
Individuals interested in serving as a volunteer interviewers and scribes must be at least 16 years old and attend a training session.
To volunteer, visit:
Veterans interested in adding their story to the Veterans History Project can visit https://mast.house.gov/vhp
to reserve a time for an upcoming filming session, or inquire at the Veterans Center of Excellence.
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License testing sessions are scheduled quarterly, generally in February, May, August and November.  Special sessions can sometimes be arranged between the regular sessiions when: 1) there is sufficient demand; and, 2) provided we can find a facility willing to host the session.

If interested in taking an amateur radio license test, please contact us at testing@pslara.com.  We will add your name to the list of interested candidates and notify you as soon as an exam session is finalized.

NEXT SCHEDULED LICENSE EXAM:  November 9, 2024 AT 10:00 AM
Reminder for Amateur Extra candidates  - The current Amateur Extra question pool expires on June 30, 2024.
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2022 ARRL Board of Directors Election Results
ARRL members have reelected Mickey Baker, N4MB as Southeastern Division Director.
Jeff Beals, WA4AW was elected as Vice Director. Their terms begin January 1, 2023. 

Please support their and South Florida Section Manager, Barry Porter's efforts promoting and protecting amateur radio for Southeastern Florida Hams.

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We welcome all active and returning hams as well as those studying for their licenses to become a PSLARA member. Please join us at an upcoming meeting.

If you would like to join the PSLARA, a membership application is available here.

Thursdays at 7:30pm - 146.955 -600 - Tone 107.2 ECHOLINK NODE# 402163 
(Check-ins always welcome)
The HF & DX Interest Group meets for breakfast at 9:00 AM on the 2nd Friday of every month at Bob Evans restaurant, 1830 SW Fountainview Blvd, Saint Lucie West.  Look for the group in the far back left corner of the restaurant.  All are welcome.  (Note: You are responsible for your own meal).  More information is available by clicking HF & DX Group.
PSLARA VEs schedule testing sessions on a quarterly basis at the IRSC Veteran's Resource Center, 500 NW California Blvd, Port St. Lucie. The exams will begin at 10:00 AM. Please arrive 30 minutes early. If you are planning to take an amateur radio exam or know someone looking to take an exam, please send an email to info@pslara.com For more information about training and testing please click Testing,Training .

The Treasure Coast Ham News is a free independent publication for the benefit of all our Treasure Coast ham clubs. The newsletter is available on PSLARA and FPARC websites.  If you did not receive an email announcement for the most recent issue, it may mean the publishers do not have you in their email list, have an incorrect email address or have inadverdently unsubscribed.  Send a note to brownpsl@comcast.net to be added to the distribution list or detials of why you are no longer receiving the newsletter. 

Current and past editions of the newsletter are available for reading on the PSLARA and FPARC websites.  To view past editions click on the "Pub Documents" or "Memb Documents" link on the left side menu.  The TCHN is always looking for local interest submissions and article authors.  Please contact the publishers at: tchamnews@gmail.com

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During the COVID pandemic, scheduled license testing sessions were suspended or arranged on an "as needed" basis. As we get back to more normal times we plan to schedule testing sessions on a quarterly basis. Testing sessions are held quarterly at the IRSC Veteran's Resource Center, 500 NW California Blvd, Port St. Lucie. If you need an exam to upgrade your license, or know someone looking to take the technician exam, please send an email to info@pslara.com  
PSLARA has a Ragchew, Tech and Traders Net every Thursday, 7:30 PM  on the club's 146.995 (-), 107.2 VHF analog repeater.  Please  click Calendar of Events (or Events at top of this page) for details. EchoLink is temporarily down and needs a club member to take over operation. When EchoLink is operational, please leave a 3 to 4 second break before talking. 

The PSLARA needs Net Operators for the Ragchew, Tech and Trading Net.  Being a Net Operator is fun and provides good experience that every ham should have.  Net scripts are available, but checking into the net is a great way to learn how it is organized and run. Please give consideration to being a Net Operator. 


At the request of a silent key family, the PSLARA can help inventory and sell ham radio equipment and related items.  This is a service the PSLARA provides to silent key club member families and non-members.  The PSLARA also accepts silent key ham radio equipment and related items donations.   The PSLARA is an IRS 501 (c) 3 charity. Donations are used to sustain club operations. For more information please click Ham Radio Estates.

The PSLARA Board meets at 7:00 PM, 2nd Wednesday of the month.  Meetings are held via ZOOM.  All members are welcome to attend this meeting.  Any member desiring to present an item to the board must notify the president or secretary prior to the meeting so the item can be included on the agenda.  To attend the meeting or place an item on the agenda, send an email at least one day prior to the meeting to info@pslara.com.

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ARES monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7 PM at the St. Lucie County EOC, 15305 W Midway Road, Fort Pierce.  UPDATE: SLC ARES MONTHLY MEETINGS HAVE MOVED TO ZOOM. In person meetings are now quarterly. For more information please click ARES Group

St. Lucie County ARES needs additional members. Please consider joining us. 

ARES monthly net are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month on the ARES repeater (147.240) at 7:30 PM. For more information please click ARES Group.
Time: Every Wednesday. Please check-in anytime with a WINLINK form
Mode: Any (Telenet, Packet, VARA HF/FM, etc.) with the Form of the Week." 
All WINLINK Messages should be sent to the tactical address: SLCEOC-2 or W4ISZ
For further details contact: Paul Horner, W4ISZ, SLC ARES Emergency Coordinator (w4isz@outlook.com)

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PSLARA BYLAWS:  A copy of the current PSLARA Bylaws has been posted on the web site.  You can view the bylaws by clicking on the "Memb Documents" link on the left side of the Members Menu page and scrolling down to the Reference section.  Note:  you must be a club member to view the bylaws.

PSLARA Repeaters: 146.955 -.600kHz, 443.650 +5 MHz, Tone on both 107.2. (Echolink K4PSL-R node 403163) 
PSLARA DMR Repeater - 444.000  +5 COLOR 1, Time Slot 1

K4CPJ-R  Vero MONDAYS  7:30 PM 146.640 +.600  pl 107.2  
W4AKH-R  FT PIERCE 8:00 PM TUESDAYS 147.345 +.600  ( 107.2  Tone) 
AF4CN-R Treasure Coast Weather Net SKYWARN  SUNDAY, 9PM    146.775 (tone 107.2). also REPEATER NET AT 8:00Pm


WHO WE ARE:  The Membership of the Port Saint Lucie Radio Amateur Radio Association (PSLARA) is comprised of licensed amateur radio operators and persons interested in the "ham" radio hobby. We are an official affiliated club of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
OUR PURPOSE:  PSLARA's purpose is to promote Amateur Radio as a hobby. Accordingly, the goals of PSLARA are to further the exchange of information and cooperation among members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism, and individual operating efficiency. We aim to conduct club meetings, programs and activities in a manner that advances the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio. The Association is also dedicated to providing emergency communications as a public service in the event of a local or national emergency.
OUR MEETINGS:  The monthly meetings of the PSLARA are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.  Meetings are held at the Veterans Resource Center at Indian River State College - Pruitt Campus, 500 NW California Blvd, Port Saint Lucie.  Meetings are open to all persons interested in ham Radio.  Visitors are always welcome.

OUR ACTIVITIES:  Our many programs include several major social events a year.  We also participate in several community events annually. 
MEMBERSHIP:  Membership in the PSLARA is open to all who have an interest in amateur radio.  You do not need to be a licensed amateur operator to become a member.  Membership dues are $25 per year.  For members, dues are due by the end of December in the amount of $25.00.  Make checks payable to PSLARA and mail them to PSLARA, P. O. Box 7461, Port St. Lucie, FL 34985. You may also pay dues via PayPal.  Membership application here. For more information please contact brownpsl@comcast.net

CLUB EMAIL:   Info@PSLARA.com (General info), brownpsl@comcast.net (Membership info) , info@PSLARA.com (for Testing and Training info)
ver 4/17/24 PS
*Check out For Sale items in menu.

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